The song submission to Melodifestivalen 2022 has closed

MELODIFESTIVALEN 2022. On Friday September 17, 2021, at 11:59 AM, CEST, SVT closed the song submission to Melodifestivalen 2022. From now on, 28 songs will be selected to compete, and the result of this job will most likely be revealed in late 2021.

IMPORTANT. All the songs that were submitted on SVT’s external platform is from now on and until earliest November 25, 2021, blocked for being released on public platforms. This rule applies REGARDLESS if your submitted song(s) will be selected or not.

After the November date and/or when SVT has revealed the 28 song titles and/or the selected artists, the remaining non-selected songs can be released on public platforms. However, if your song(s) are selected to take part in the contest, then you must wait some more months before the song can be released. The same rule applies if you want to send the song to another country’s Eurovision selection and/or if you want to wait to the next year’s Melodifestivalen song submission.


What will happen now?

The song submission has been open for the public since August 27, 2021, and now when the submission has closed, SVT can officially start the process to find 28 songs for the show. Here is an explanation of how these songs will be selected.


The song selection, part I

The first part of the selection starts with that some of the employees in the editorial staff at Melodifestivalen will listen to all the submitted songs and select the songs they think are the best ones for the show. These songs will after that get through to a Jury, which consists of some persons chosen by SVT, who will listen to the songs and vote for their favourites, round by round, until only their top 14 songs remain. The jury will, however, leave a top 100 as their backup list.


The song selection, part II

When the jury’s job has finished, the editorial staff at Melodifestivalen will select the artists to these songs. Besides that, they will also begin to search for another 14 songs which will also compete in the contest. SVT’s selected songs can either be songs that are on the Jury’s backup list and/or so called special ordered songs to/from different songwriters. The editorial staff will also decide the artists to these 14 songs.


When will SVT reveal the song titles and artists?

According to the competition rules, the titles of the selected 28 songs will be revealed in late 2021, most likely in November and/or December. Please remember that no official date(s) have been confirmed.

It is also important to know that even if the song titles and/or the artists sooner or later will be revealed, no songs will be commercial released until later in the competition! This means, however, that we will most likely hear the songs for the first time when they compete in each of the four semi-finals, which will be broadcast in SVT on February 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th, 2022.


